Monday, May 23, 2011

About This Blog

If you've ever had to deal with lawyers, you know that many are stuffy. That's putting it mildly. Who uses "wherefore," "heretofore," "whereas" and "res ipsa loquitur" in normal conversations? But Lawyers are veritable cut-ups compared to the courts. Courts and judges are so solemn that facial expressions by trial participants are sometimes expressly banned from the courtroom. That means you could go to jail for smiling.

Exceptions exist, and that's what this blog is about.

I'm retired and not reading as many cases as I did once upon a time. I may keep this going, but probably not, as my interests have changed since this was written 13 years ago.

1 comment:

  1. "Courts and judges are so solemn that facial expressions by trial participants are sometimes expressly banned from the courtroom."

    I didn't know that. You seem to know several things I don't know, Barb. :D
